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Our Service

Our services include; Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, Ecological Impact Assessments and EPSL applications. Our licensed ecologists are available to conduct Protected Species Surveys for bats, great crested newts, reptiles, dormice, water voles, badger, otters, barn owl and nesting birds.

Wiltshire bat survey
Bat mitigation licencing Chippenham, Devices, Bath, Trowbridge
We are bat survey specialists!

Being located in the South West means our area is home to many of the 18 species of bat

which are found in the UK.

All species of British bats and their roosts are protected by law with legislation in place to safeguard their conservation status and ensure their future survival. Due to the nature of their roosting habits bats can be drawn in to contact with human develop and infrastructure. This means a proven and expert approach is required to intervene, thus allowing you to lawfully proceed with your project.

West Country Ecology prides itself on our ability to do this work whilst remaining sympathetic to the needs of our clients and the cost or time constraints of their projects. Every aspect of bat work is covered by our licensed team, including:


  • Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRA’s)

  • Nocturnal Surveys (dusk emergence surveys & dawn re-entry surveys)

  • Transect Surveys

  • Swift and concise report writing

  • European Protected Species Licence (EPSL) applications

  • Mitigation plans (when required)

  • Supervision of demolition or renovation

Bat Surveys

Anchor 1

Other Protected Species Surveys

Anchor 2
Great crest newt surveys Bristol, Bath, Chippenham and Swindon

Our licenced ecologists are able to assist with a wide range of protected species surveys including great crested newt, reptiles, badger, otter, water vole and dormouse.

Should protected species be present on your site, we can guide you through the process of mitigation and, where required, the application of a European Protected Species (EPS) licence. Involving an ecologist during the early stages of planning is key to helping prevent or signicantly reduce delays with your planning applications and development projects.

West Country Ecology prides itself on our ability to do this work whilst remaining sympathetic to the needs of our clients and the cost or time constraints of their projects. Every aspect of bat work is covered by our licensed team, including:

  • Scoping surveys and habitat suitability assessments

  • Transect Surveys and camera trapping

  • eDNA analysis (great crested newt)

  • Swift and concise report writing

  • European Protected Species Licence (EPSL) applications

  • Mitigation plans (when required)

  • Supervision of demolition or renovation

Habitat Assessments

Anchor 3
Preliminary ecological appraisal in Swindon, Bath, Chippenham and Bristol

The Phase 1 Habitat Survey is a standardised method of detailing all of the plant and animal life found on a proposed development site, and in particular looking for any species that may be protected by law from being harmed or disturbed by developmental work. Our ecologists follow the guidelines as set out by the Chartered Institute of Ecology, and Environmental Management (C.I.E.E.M) during our Phase 1 Habitat Surveys. 

Ecological surveys can be required by law for any development projects that involve natural habitats, agricultural and residential buildings where protected species may be present, and will often be requested by Local Planning Authorities during the application process. Once a comprehensive list of flora and fauna has been identified, indicate the necessity of further ecological assessments only if required which will save you both time and money.

  • Swift and concise report writing

  • European Protected Species Licence (EPSL) applications

  • Mitigation plans (when required)

  • Supervision of demolition or renovation

© 2021 Cotswold Environmental Ltd       Registered company number in England: 11193218    VAT registration number: 363 7836 64

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